About Me


Approximately nine years ago, I realized my passion for video editing ran deeper than just making videos for my own channel every once in a while…

I spent years in school feeling completely lost, not knowing what I would be doing with my life. I got to my junior year of college, still did not know what to major in. I did not want a 9-5 job, I did not want to wake up and do the same thing every single day, I wanted to make an impact on someone, no matter how little the impact was. 

I had things that I liked doing such as makeup, singing, photography, makeup, and I made videos on Youtube ever since I was in elementary school, for the sole purpose of just broadcasting my life. I loved the idea of entertainment, I posted singing videos for the first 5 years I was on Youtube, then switched to more personal, and so on. 

I was always filming and editing, I wanted to savior the moment to look back at it later.

I thought video editing and makeup was just a hobby of mine, I never knew it could be a lifestyle, a career choice, until I heard the term “Digital Nomad” or “Freelancer”. I never even knew that was a thing or was even possible! Freelancers are constantly evolving, learning, traveling, and most importantly, living life to the fullest. 

I wanted to evolve. I wanted to learn. I wanted to travel. I wanted to live my life to the fullest.

I will admit, I change my mind about A LOT of things, but this was screaming my name.

 I was always wondering “What job can I do that does not have the same routine every time you work?” 

Through more and more research, I realized, this could be reality. 

I have already been a such a journey figuring out what my passions in life were, when in reality, it was right in front of me the whole time. 

Now, here I am. Putting my passion into my work, learning more skills every day, working with new projects in makeup and videography 24/7, I’m always evolving within myself and within my passions. 

If you really pursue your passions like I did, take every risk, and drop every fear. GO FOR IT.

now specialize in editing montages, everyday life, and/or live-action footage. I also specialize in everyday dramatic or colorful makeup, while I’m learning how to perform special FX makeup. . 

 I love the impact I can make from the little things. I make myself happy, you happy, and your audience happy! (if you have one)

Everyone wants that video or makeup look that will be entertaining to glance back on. I know I did!

So here we are… at my website.